Issues with Twitch DVR Player

You may have noticed that rewinding doesn't work currently on many streams using Twitch DVR Player. This can be for a number of reasons (say the user having VODs disabled, or the VODs being sub-only and the user doesn't have a sub), but the most common reason currently is a new "feature" Twitch has turned on which by default makes it so that new VODs aren't automatically published during a stream. This is most likely so that if there is copyrighted music during the stream, it can be muted before the VOD is made available so that Twitch doesn't get sued.

Unfortunately, this also makes Twitch DVR Player not work. In order to get Twitch DVR Player working, streamers must enable this setting on their channel before starting their stream:

Always publish vods setting

Sometimes, streamers are unaware that this setting is disabled because it can be disabled by default. Feel free to bring it up to streamers in case they don't know (after making sure that they even have VODs on in the first place), but of course please respect their decision if they choose to leave it off.

This is an understandable but sad move from Twitch which does make the DVR player a lot less functional. Hopefully at some point soon Twitch will introduce its own DVR functionality so that this extension isn't necessary.

Thank you for your continued use and support of Twitch DVR Player!